Il Est A Moi
FES Title: Il est a moi
Alternate Titles: Il Est a Moi (He Is Mine)
[1986]; She Loved Him Too Well
Date: 01/26/1901
Size: 18.5″H x 12.75″W
Medium: oil_panel_grisaille
Type: illustration
Published: McIlwraith, Jean N. The Curious Career of Roderick Campbell. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1901: facing 274.
caption: She loved him too well
Drexel University Museum. Frank E. Schoonover at Drexel: Illustation and the Academic Tradition 1892-1903. Philadelphia: Drexel University, 1986: 50.
caption: 49, Il Est a Moi (He Is Mine)
Inscription: lr: F.E. Schoonover
Exhibitions: 1986 FES Drexel (catalog)
Comments: index; edit


Provenance: M. Knoedler & Co. [1974]; Stuart Kingston Galleries, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; Sally Vernon Burka [1986]; American Illustrators Gallery, New York
Current Owner: