Detanges Had Andres’ Knife Haft
FES Title:
[no title entered in day books]
Alternate Titles:
Date: 06/26/1905
Size: 0″H x 0″W
Medium: oil-on-can-fullBR
Type: illustration
Published: Mott, Lawrence. “Friends.” Outing Magazine, October 1905: frontispiece.
caption: “Detanges had Andres’ knife haft, and the hand that held it in a convulsive grasp could not be shaken off”
Mott, Lawrence. The White Darkness. New York: The Outing Publishing Company, 1907: frontispiece.
caption: “Ha, Elsie! he gasped
Inscription: lr: F.E. Schoonover / ’05
Comments: scanned Kelly Collection 5/14/03; index; edit
Provenance: Not known
Current Owner: