Eating on Deck
FES Title: Eating on deck
Alternate Titles: The Steerage
[1979]; On Deck [1987]
Date: 05/22/1908
Size: 23″H x 18″W
Medium: char-water-illus-brd
Type: illustration
Published: MacBrayne, Lewis E. “The Judgment of the Steerage.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine, September 1908: 492.
caption: Our common meal on the Italian deck
Inscription: lr: Schoonover ’08
Exhibitions: 1979 Montrose; 1987 Greenville
Comments: TP10/25/01; form 2/3/03; index; edit
Commentary: For commentary, see #331.
Provenance: Montrose Galleries, Bethesda, Maryland [1979]; The Gallery at Greenville, Greenville, Delaware [1987]; Collection of Bruce and Marina Kaiser
Current Owner: