Doña Fe Stayed to Speak to Him Alone
FES Title: Dona Fe stayed to speak to him alone.
Alternate Titles: Ambush
Date: 08/05/1912
Size: 28.25″H x 11.375″W
Medium: watercolor-on-paper
Type: illustration
Published: Gibbon, Perceval. “Ambush.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine, November 1912: 829.
caption: Dona Fe stayed to speak to him alone
Inscription: lr: F.E.S.
Comments: TP 11/18/04; form 11/18/04; index; edit 11/06
Martha Culbertson, wife of artist, modeled for this painting.
Provenance: M. Knoedler & Co., New York (in inventory July 24, 1974); Stuart Kingston Galleries, Wilmington, Delaware; private collection
Current Owner: