You, McDougall, Alias Lang–Tell the Truth to These People
FES Title: You, McDougall, alias Lang–tell the truth to these people.
Alternate Titles:
Date: 02/01/1925
Size: 30″H x 42″W
Medium: oil-Russian-Linen
Type: illustration
Published: Marsh, George T. “The Outlaw.” Red Book Magazine, May 1925: 44-45.
caption: “MacDougall, who am I?” persisted Wilson. The trade room was still as a windless forest as the man addressed lifted bloodshot eyes from which glared fear and hate.
Inscription: lr: F.E.S. / ’25
Comments: DAM 7/24/04; index; edit;
Provenance: The Chester Marron Collection, Christiana, Pennsylvania; not known