Poor Folks Haven, Snow Storm – Now It Was Nearing Christmas
FES Title: Poor folks haven, snow storm–now it was nearing Christmas
Alternate Titles: Snowstorm at Poor Folks Haven
Date: 12/10/1925
Size: 26″H x 38″W
Medium: oil-cotton-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Cooper, Courtney Ryley. “Oklahoma.” Country Gentleman, March 1926: 9.
caption: It was nearing Christmas, snow lay deep; boomers in pore [sic ]folks’ haven shivered in their temporary abodes
Inscription: lr: F E S
Exhibitions: 1967 Gift Horse
Comments: index; edit
Provenance: Artist; Helen L. Card, Latendorf Bookshop, New York (as of October 27, 1962); The Gift Horse, West Chester, Pennsylvania [1967]; private collection