Mac Stood and Faced Up Wind
FES Title: on the snow-packed plains outside the cabin door, Mac stood and faced up wind .
Alternate Titles:
Date: 08/02/1928
Size: 28″H x 41″W
Medium: oil-on-Linen-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Evans, Hubert. “Detective Mac.” The American Boy, October 1928: 11.
caption: Mac stood and faced up wind, sniffing with muzzle high and ears laid flat against the chilling sweep of air

Evans, Hubert. Derry’s Partner. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1929: 144, lining pages.
caption: Mac stood and faced up wind, sniffing with muzzle high and ears laid flat against the chilling sweep of air

Inscription: lr: F.E. Schoonover / ’28
Comments: index; edit
Provenance: Not known