Granddaddy of the Whole Goat Tribe
FES Title: “I’d like to get my eyes on that big fellow- whose tracks we found at the spring. Bet he’s the granddaddy of the whole goat tribe-
Alternate Titles: Hide Rack II
Date: 01/26/1934
Size: 40″H x 20″W
Medium: charcoal-Strathmore-illustr
Type: illustration
Published: Balch, Glenn. “Hide-rack Meets a Killer.” The American Boy, April 1934: 13.
Caption: We came to the shores of a crystal-clear mountain lake where herds of mountain goats ranged.
Inscription: mr: S. / ’34
Exhibitions: 1979 Montrose
Comments: edit
Commentary: This painting was slightly cut down on the left side. According to Schoonover’s day books it originally measured 40″ by 30″. The size shown is an approximate measurement of the cut down based on proportion.
Provenance: Montrose Galleries, Bethesda, Maryland [1979]; not known