Spelling Bee
FES Title: Spelling Bee
Alternate Titles:
Date: 05/1944
Size: 0″H x 0″W
Medium: oil-on-canvas
Type: subject painting
[none visible as photographed]
Comments: 8 x 10 photo from DAM
Commentary: In a letter to Schoonover on May 12, 1944, Theo E. Wiederseim of Ketterlinus writes, “I think the composition is just about right… You will note we have put a dunce cap on the table, which was customer’s suggestion, and show one gawky boy. The school marm is to be pretty, and holding what is known as the blue back speller – which was the speller used in this period, and I am sending you one to follow.” (archives)
Provenance: Not known
Current Owner: