“Blood,”Cried Shando Again. “It’s All About Us.”
FES Title: “Blood” cried Shando again. It’s all about us. Vignette
Alternate Titles:
Date: 07/19/1930
Size: 28″H x 34″W
Medium: oil-cotton-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Erskine, Laurie York. “The Witchcraft Case.” The American Boy–Youth’s Companion, November 1930: 27.
caption: Shando had cried out with the high, agonized voice of a desperate and hopeless man.
Inscription: ll: S / ’30
Comments: 7/22/04 DAM scan; edit
Commentary: The right and left sides of this painting exist as cut downs; See #1785cdr and #1785cdl. The estimated size of #1785cdl is 18″ x 19″ based on the original and the size of the right side.
Provenance: See #1785cdr and #1785cdl.