Tom Saw Two Men
FES Title: Page 11- mss. Well out from the protection of the woods, Tom saw two men who hugged the ground behind a brush covered clump of earth-
Alternate Titles:
Date: 09/03/1936
Size: 26″H x 36″W
Medium: oil-on-Best
Type: illustration
Published: Erskine, Laurie York. “The Man in the Shack.” The American Boy–Youth’s Companion, November 1936: 10.
caption: Well out from the protection of the woods, Tom saw two men who hugged the ground behind a brush covered clump of ground
Inscription: lr: F.E.S. / ’36
Comments: index
Commentary: After publication, Schoonover altered this vignette into a landscape by painting out the figures of the men and the signature in the lower right and completing the lower left. See #2144alt for the altered image.
Provenance: See #2144alt
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